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Visit the MLA calendar of events  for upcoming meetings

For more information on a committee of the Massachusetts Library Association (MLA) please click on the appropriate link.

Conference Committee
Plans and implements a successful MLA annual conference
Intellectual Freedom & Social Responsibilities Committee
Promotes awareness of intellectual freedom issues and provides support to the Massachusetts library community in upholding the principles of intellectual freedom
Jordan Miller Committee
Expands promotion of Jordan Miller to include a broader audience, including graduate schools of library science, Boston Public Library Jordan Collection patrons, and others

Leadership and Management Section

Provides professional development opportunities for librarians at all levels to increase their management and leadership skills.  

Legislative Committee
Develops a legislative communications plan in cooperation with other MLA committees and sections. Provides an opportunity for communication about legislative breakfasts among regional breakfast committees
Membership Committee

Develop strategies to recruit and retain MLA members, participate in the creation of membership promotion tools, review and recommend changes to the MLA dues structure and categories

Paralibrarian section

Through support and increased awareness of paralibrarians, the Section advocates for recognition and participation in the library community. The Section also promotes and provides a forum for networking and career development opportunities.

Personnel Committee

Monitors and updates MLA's minimum salary recommendations as necessary.  Investigates the national pay equity effort and adapts portions of the campaign to the needs of Massachusetts libraries

Programming Committee

Provides educational opportunities and resources to libraries, librarians, and all library workers; creates a cohesive statewide database of shared programming resources, tools, and policies; shares best practices for in-library, out of library, and virtual events; and finds creative ways to connect the broadest range of community members with our library programs and services

Public Relations Committee

Coordinates promotion and judging of the Public Relations awards, acts as a resource for the Conference Committee, evaluates conference communications and promotions

Reference & User Services Section

Provides professional development and guidance for those who work in reference, information, user, and adult services.  These opportunities exist via sessions at the Massachusetts Library Association (MLA) Annual Conference, stand alone programs, section meetings, and other opportunities throughout the year.  All who work or are interested in reference and user services are encouraged to become involved in the section.

Youth services section

The object of the Youth Services Section shall be to promote library service to youth; to promote the profession of youth librarianship; to further the awareness of youth within the profession as well as the community at large, and to aid in implementing standards for public library services for children and young adults in Massachusetts.

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