Library Legislative Day is As Important As Ever in 2022!
Virtual sessions: April 5, 6, & 7
Massachusetts Library Association and Massachusetts School Library Association invite you to join in virtual sessions this April to connect library advocacy and your State Senators and Representatives.
Four, MLA/MSLA Library Legislative Day, online sessions will be offered:
April 5, 10:00 a.m. – featuring Western Massachusetts Library Advocates
April 6, 10:00 a.m. – featuring Central Massachusetts Library Advocates
April 7, 10:00 a.m. – featuring libraries from Boston, Metrowest, and North of Boston
April 7, 11:30 a.m. – featuring libraries from South of Boston, the Cape and Islands
You are encouraged to join a session that corresponds with your geographic area as we are trying to match one or more Library Caucus members from each area to participate in that session. Can’t make your preferred session? Feel free to join another – you’ll get the same overall briefing and talking points on the MBLC Library Legislative Agenda.
Click this link to register for a session:
The legislative priority for the FY2023 budget is to increase State Aid to Public Libraries (Budget Line 7000-9501) AND State Aid to Regional Libraries – MLS (Budget Line 7000-9401) Come prepared! Read more about the Legislative Agenda.
Don’t know who your legislators are? Click here to find out.
Click here to send an ENGAGE invitation asking your legislator to attend your session.
Calendar of Meetings and Events
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